To apply for a local scholarship, seniors submit a scholarship resume and 1 or 2 letters of recommendation. The resume and letters must be received one week prior to applying for a scholarship. Resume and letters only need to be submitted once; after submitting the resume and letters, apply for each scholarship by submitting an essay by the due date. Essay topics and due dates are listed on the Scholarship Page.
Senior Banquet
Money, May 13th, 6:00pm - Lake Holcombe School - each graduate is allowed to invite up to 4 guests.
Spring Concerts
Monday, April 29th - MS/HS Band Concert - 6pm
Monday May 6th - MS/HS Choir Concert
MS musical - The Lion King Kids - 6pm
HS musical - Moana Jr. - 7:00pm
**The music department will send out information with specific details.
Excellence in Education Banquet
Wednesday, April 17th @ 6:00pm - Lake Holcombe Town Hall
Closed event for honorees & parents only.
Awards Program
Wednesday, May 15th, 2:00 pm - Lake Holcombe School Gym
Open event.
Senior Check-Out
Thursday, May 16th, 9:00 am
All coursework must be completed and all outstanding bills must be paid in order to check out.*
All seniors.
Graduation Practice
Thursday, May 16th, 9:00 am
Dress rehearsal- graduates must arrive prepared to wear cap, gown, shoes and clothing they will wear for graduation. Class photo will be taken.
All seniors.
Saturday, May 18th, 2:00 pm
1:30pm - Graduates report to Mrs. Meddaugh's room
* Seniors who have not completed all work needed to graduate will be required to be in school a full day Thursday and Friday, or until work is complete. Also, the Senior schedule with stated early leave times on the Thursday and Friday may be changed by administration if too many Seniors are absent on the same day prior to graduation.
School Board policy requires all Seniors to have an attendance rate of at least 90% during fourth quarter in order to participate in the graduation ceremony, this is after accounting for excused absences. The building principal, using the guidelines of the attendance policy, determines what constitutes an excused absence.
Senior Dress for Graduation:
Guys- dark dress pants, black or brown shoes (no athletic shoes), shirt and tie.
Girls- shoes appropriate for walking up steps (no flip-flops), dress or capris.
How long is the graduation ceremony?
The ceremony starts at 2:00 and typically concludes between 3:10 and 3:20.
Is there handicapped parking for graduation guests?
Yes, instruct your handicapped guests to park behind the school and enter by the weight room, or park by the elementary playground and enter through the elementary doors. Signs will direct visitors to handicapped parking.
Who attends Senior Banquet?
Seniors and their parents. Senior meal is generally paid for; parent meals are paid by the parents. This year, 2023, meals will be paid for by the class/school. As a reminder, graduates are allowed to bring up to 4 guests.
What is expected dress for Senior Banquet?
"Dressy casual"
Who is responsible for the information in the Cornell Courier and Ladysmith News?
Each senior completes a form, supplied by the newspaper, giving information about the graduate's accomplishments and plans following graduation.
Are there class colors and a class flower?
This will be determined by the Senior Class.
When are scholarships announced and given out?
Scholarships are awarded during the graduation ceremony.
Senior Advisors
Mrs. Meddaugh
Mrs. Crosby