Summer before Senior Year
Narrow down list of college choices
Plan campus visits
Draft your scholarship essay
Volunteer (if you haven't started already)
Retake ACT test if necessary
Finalize list of schools to which you want to apply
Ask for letters of recommendations early
Plan any final campus visits
Apply to colleges!
Be on the lookout for all scholarship possibilities
Attend financial aid meetings: Financial Aid Presentation and FAFSA Presentation
Apply for financial aid (must be accepted at schools before financial aid can be received)
Call institutional financial aid offices for additional help
Continue to apply for all appropriate scholarships
Make final choices for college attendance
Take UW Placement tests - if applicable
Compare financial aid packages
Apply for other national/state scholarships
Make sure your schedule is filled with challenging and appropriate courses
Begin a list of potential colleges and programs
Use the Xello site to explore career options, with your google credentials to login
Go to college fairs
Make college visits
Research post high school plans
College-bound student-athletes (Divisions I & II) sign-up with NCAA Clearinghouse
Take advantage of college preview dates/visits
Research scholarship opportunities
Set up and meet with your school counselor for your JUNIOR MEETING!
Continue campus visits as necessary
Finalize summer plans (work, volunteer, class)
Continue to narrow down list of college choices
Plan any additional campus visits
Create your resume
Draft your scholarship essay
Volunteer (if you haven't started already)
Meet with counselor for Junior Meeting if you have not yet
Take the most challenging course of study available
Begin to get involved and possibly take on leadership roles in clubs/activities/sports
Strengthen relationships with peers, teachers, counselors, advisors and employers - they will be writing recommendations for you down the road!
Continue working on study habits and note-taking skills
Consider careers for potential job shadowing opportunities
Refine/revise/update your resume.
Continue discussing post high school plans with counselor and parent/guardians
Review cost factors for college and investigate options

Look for clubs/activities you may be interested in
Begin volunteer activities
Build positive relationships with peers, teachers, counselors, advisors and employers - they will be writing recommendations for you down the road!
Build strong study habits and note-taking skills
Review the Four Year Plan Worksheet
The Four Year Plan Worksheet is a changeable document that Freshmen create and utilize throughout high school.
Start building your resume. (create a simple list of activities you've done so far)
Begin thinking about post high school plans - Xello - login with your google credentials