Speak Up Speak Out Wisconsin!
We take school safety very seriously in the Lake Holcombe School District. When it comes to school safety, we are proactive in the Lake Holcombe School District. Our school safety team meets quarterly to discuss safety concerns. Our confidential safety plan is updated annually and our procedures are practiced. We have daily visits from our police liaison officers. We are continually evaluating our processes and procedures. The following are a few reminders that we would like you to discuss with your son or daughter:
- Any threat, however conveyed, will not be tolerated. It will lead to exclusion from school.
- Always be aware of your surroundings and report anything that appears out of the ordinary.
- Weapons of any kind are not allowed on school grounds or at school sponsored activities.
- Threatening social media posts can lead to school discipline issues as well, especially if they are threatening in nature, in any manner towards students or staff.
- Know what is in your son’s or daughter’s backpacks, on their person, or in their vehicles.
- Know what your son or daughter is up to online and on their phones. Who are they communicating with? What are they saying?
Please help us be proactive. Help us all have a safe environment where students can learn free from distraction. I close with this reminder, “If you see or hear something, say something.” 24/7-365, we will follow up.
We have recently rolled out a new school safety reporting tool called SPEAK UP SPEAK OUT WISCONSIN. It can be found at the following link: SUSO Wisconsin