Whew…..The school year is off and running. A week into the year and it feels like a blink of the eye. The building looks beautiful, teacher inservice was productive, the community open house was a success, bus routes fell into place, and teachers and students are adjusting to a new year, schedule, and routine. Now it’s time to get down to business. The business of providing the best education possible to the students on the Lake Holcombe School District. They deserve the best.
A full schedule of tasks is in front of the educators at the Lake Holcombe School District this year. We look forward to the upcoming school year. Please let us know how we can support your son or daughter as they take on the challenge of another year. Please feel free to call us with questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your continued support of the Lake Holcombe School District.
We are here for the kids!